Saturday, April 16, 2011


It's been a minute since I last posted. Unfortunately, on the 3rd of this month, I got a call from my mother saying that my great aunt had passed away. I know you're probably thinking she was somewhat a distant relative. Well, not to me! I used to call her my Tee Tee Grandma. I didn't know any better, it was just something I did. Maybe it was because it was my grandma's baby sister and my mama's aunt. We visited her house a lot too. I didn't know the impact she had on people until the funeral. It was only standing room by the time the family was escorted in. When I first found out about her death, I posted it on Facebook and it prompted one of my cousins to ask if she had met her. In turn, that prompted another cousin to say that we NEEDED a family reunion of some sort. A lot of us live in the same area, but never really interacted with each other. I am, in fact, pretty much the only releative that knows who's who in our family. Crazy, huh?! It's only because I grew up in my grandma's household and everyone in the fam visited. As I write this post, my cousin is probably getting more names of our relatives from my mama and uncle. I think he'll be the one to finally get everyone together. I would do it, but I wouldn't know where to start as far as planning a venue. I'll just have him use me where he needs me. I give partial credit to Facebook for luring people to their site. I found some cousins that I forgot I could've added. It's a real relief when you find people you haven't seen in years. My mama will ask me if I remember someone and I'll be like, "Yeah, I added them on Facebook!" I wrote this post to tell you that if you don't know who your family is, you will probably end up in each others' bed. >AWKWARD<

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