Monday, April 25, 2011

Ahhhh.... Real UFOs

This video was sent to me on Facebook. It scared the crap out of me! I've never been one to believe in UFOs, but this video made me think twice about the subject at hand. I'm the type of person that doesn't want a preview of what might happen to this world. It makes me very uneasy. Nonetheless, it has people talking. I still need more proof of this being true even though I don't neccessarily want to see it. With that being said, let me know how you feel after this video.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


It's been a minute since I last posted. Unfortunately, on the 3rd of this month, I got a call from my mother saying that my great aunt had passed away. I know you're probably thinking she was somewhat a distant relative. Well, not to me! I used to call her my Tee Tee Grandma. I didn't know any better, it was just something I did. Maybe it was because it was my grandma's baby sister and my mama's aunt. We visited her house a lot too. I didn't know the impact she had on people until the funeral. It was only standing room by the time the family was escorted in. When I first found out about her death, I posted it on Facebook and it prompted one of my cousins to ask if she had met her. In turn, that prompted another cousin to say that we NEEDED a family reunion of some sort. A lot of us live in the same area, but never really interacted with each other. I am, in fact, pretty much the only releative that knows who's who in our family. Crazy, huh?! It's only because I grew up in my grandma's household and everyone in the fam visited. As I write this post, my cousin is probably getting more names of our relatives from my mama and uncle. I think he'll be the one to finally get everyone together. I would do it, but I wouldn't know where to start as far as planning a venue. I'll just have him use me where he needs me. I give partial credit to Facebook for luring people to their site. I found some cousins that I forgot I could've added. It's a real relief when you find people you haven't seen in years. My mama will ask me if I remember someone and I'll be like, "Yeah, I added them on Facebook!" I wrote this post to tell you that if you don't know who your family is, you will probably end up in each others' bed. >AWKWARD<

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lululemon Murder

I read this article on the other day. It was about 2 women that were found bound in the store in which they worked. One was dead... the other wasn't. Weird, huh?! Now, what caught my eye is the doggone title of this article. I would tell you more, but I don't want to give it completely away. Let's see if it does the same when you read it.

Please comment!

There's This Artist....

...that's been around for quite some time. He's been overlooked for years. I think at least every single person should hear at least one of his songs. I might be a little bias because he is my fiance', but who cares!? He has a BIG something going on called FlameSpittaz Fridays where he posts a new track on each Friday of every week. He's also giving back to other artists by doing free features (limited time only, I think) on their tracks. If that isn't enough to get you to catch a glimpse, he's his own businessman. He makes it happen primarily by himself. You can catch him on Facebook @!/tvell , and Twitter @ Can't catch him there? Well, there is more contact info on either page. Go ahead, check him out!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Am Me

Welcome to my new blog. I would like to start off by introducing myself. I'm an 80's baby that was born in Montgomery, AL. I've lived in Georgia for 3 yrs out of my life and graduated from Bauder College with an AA in Graphic Design. I have been serving as a member of the United States Air Force since 2008. My ambitions in life are plentiful and in order for me to achieve them, I will be separating from the Air Force pretty soon. Judging from my blog name, I have a lot of things on my mind. Some are complaints, without a known solution at the moment. I will also have random messages about my day and/ or what's in the news, good and bad! Thank you for visiting... and enjoy!